How to Keep a Relationship? Stop Caring About Her!
In this short video above Casey states that the only way to maintain a stable relationship with a woman is to be in a constant state of almost breaking up. Now to those who have never been in a long term relationship you might be thinking this sounds ridiculous, this sounds totally irrational, and makes no sense what so ever! I know it does, but sadly, its very, very true! Let me explain.
My longest relationship was 4 years. I was in my early 20s (probably the best looking years of my life) and I was in a constant state of breaking up and making up with this women who I really didn’t care about at all. You see when you are in this state of breaking up there is also the making up part, which Casey doesn’t seem to mention but I will. Since the two play off each other perfectly and that’s how the relationship keeps surviving. I must of tried to break up with Kate at least 15 times and I thought it was over many times and I was always the one instigated the break up but she just kept coming back to me sometimes in tears and taking me out to dinners (yes she would even pay for the dinners out) and all the while the relationship just kept continuing for 4 years! Oh and if you want to keep a man, offer to pay for dinners, not every time, but every other one. Because, it shows you value their time not just your own. These dinner dates kept me liking her just enough to continue the relationship since I actually thought she was my girlfriend.
During the 4 years of being together, it never even occurred to me that by being in this constant breakup / makeup relationship was the KEY factor in sustaining a relationship with any woman! Its almost like you have to not care about your girlfriend, in order to have one. This is maybe why people get married so they can stop plying this exhausting game.
This was a hard lesson to learn about relationships, since all the ones after this one seemed to right from the start. The reason they failed, was because I actually cared! I wanted to actually be with those women. I wanted them to stay the night, cuddle with them, and all the stuff women seem to like but they sorta don’t like, since if you show them any signs of weakness during those times of hanging out, they will lose interest in you.
Maybe now in my late 40s, I would just explain this makeup/breakup relationship fact to the woman I plan on being in a relationship with so that she knows, that I know, how to keep one going. Or maybe not since this could be shooting myself in the foot.
Now what if she breaks up with you. Now you’re on the defensive and thankfully Casey has a video for you to follow when this happens because it will eventually happen. Women, no matter how successful the relationship is will almost always find a reason to end a relationship. Since they are the ones that can truly end the relationship. Men will not end relationships since we want sexual access to a woman for as long as possible. Remember this fact when you break up with her over and over! Because once you show you actually care and that your invested in her, she will sadly lose all interest. Unless you have tons of money in the bank where she will keep you on the side as a sugar daddy.